We all get asked the question whether we meet someone on the elevator, at a party, or at a ballgame…“What do you do?” It is often said that a picture is worth a thousand words. I am going to use a sketch by Carl Richards of the New York Times and Behavior Gap to illustrate “What I do” for clients as founder of Eaglestrong Financial.
Your Complete Financial Life
Most of you think of investments when you think of a financial advisor. Although important, investments are only a small part of your complete financial life. At Eaglestrong, we review your assets, liabilities, income, and expenses. We listen to your goals and dreams. We give you advice on the best accounts to deposit your savings to reduce your taxes. If you are retired, we give you advice on the best withdrawal strategy. We allocate your savings to diversified low-cost investments. We make sure you understand how much risk you are taking and how much risk you must take to achieve your goals. We would continue, if applicable, with education funding analysis, estate planning, insurance needs assessment, and charitable giving, but I think you get the picture. We serve our clients to make sure they are confident in their financial future.
We help you utilize the strength of a financial planner so that you can focus on your own skills and passions. We listen to your dreams and create a path to help you reach them.
Our goal at Eaglestrong is to guide, inspire, and educate our clients to be financially wise. If you would like to hear more or start a conversation with us, call us at 901.413.8659 or email tripp@eaglestrong.com.
Eaglestrong Financial is a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) with the state of Tennessee. The information contained herein is not intended to be used as a guide to investing or tax advice. This material presented is provided for educational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice or an offer or solicitation to buy or sell securities.
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